wag wag wag!
loop news for Dec. 27, 2005 - via the Massey Energy website, 4:45 pm - Massey stocks are down.
MEE (common stock)
Exchange | NYSE (US Dollar) |
Price | $37.60 |
Change (%) | 1.62 (4.13%) |
Volume | 1,614,300 |
Data as of 12/27/05 4:01 p.m. ET |
Exchange | NYSE (US Dollar) |
Price | $37.64 |
Change (%) | 1.58 (4.03%) |
Volume | 1,015,000 |
Data as of 12/27/05 2:05 p.m. ET |
Exchange | NYSE (US Dollar) |
Price | $37.67 |
Change (%) | 1.55 (3.95%) |
Volume | 909,400 |
Data as of 12/27/05 1:17 p.m. ET
letters to dogs on trucks jr
dear dogs on trucks jr.
hi, how are you doing?
I was wondering if the dogs on trucks robot is wag enabled yet.
I am in a good mood and I would like to help wag the robot dog's tail.
sincerely, Tracy
dear Tracy, I hope to have the wag feature enabled soon.
in the meantime, do you know how to honk the dogs on trucks horn?
that might be a fun way to pass the time while you are waiting.
it also helps us test the system, to make sure it is working.
thanks for writing, Tracy! have a great day.
sincerely, dogs on trucks jr.
tags: track, ping, feedback, consumer advocacy, stock ticker, energy, trend, watchdog
the house always wins at Google - R. X. Cringely
Excerpt from an article by Robert X Cringely
...Overall, the AdWord system was more honest and up-front with users about what was happening. And honesty has worked well for Google, with AdWords becoming a goldmine for the company.
But AdWords isn't as simple as it seems at first. With Google, things rarely are. As usual for Google, there be algorithms at work here, and the nature of those algorithms is alluded to, but never fully explained...
more...tags: adwords, pay per click, advertisement, Google