Wednesday, November 02, 2005

crib notes from

notes from
a preference engine under development

---…---…---…--- asks readers: Why is it that "we" so often bear very little resemblance to who "they" say we are? And how can we get that to change, not only for the better, but for the very, very, very much better?

Text tags: demographics, web surfing, web behavior, web hunting, communication, organic search engine optimization


Did you know?

A recent scientific study asserts that doing a few "simple" tasks on the computer (like checking your e-mail) will actually lower your cognitive abilities substantially. In fact, the study compared this loss of brain function to that of a person who has been deprived of sleep for an entire night.

Agree? disagree? Demand to see proof? Demand to speak to "The Gestalt"?

Sample answers

--Yeah, I have suspected this for a long time. E-mailling is ridiculously complicated. And it's really not safe. Ellen in Bozeman.

---Yesterday I ran across a spam-guard for the e-mail address of one of the Important Bigwigs in the Search Engine Industry. You had to pass through one of those clever bot know the ones that say type this in, YJ9kr3? Anyway, like I said, E-mail is dying. Kendra in Western Samoa.

--I get really depressed about the Free Market sometimes, but then I remember how beautiful a thing it really is. If the Captains of Industry want to buy and sell something as priceless and intangible as pure, open human communication, and hope that the cheap paint will go undetected, they are free to throw as much money as they want at their "vision". I got my money catching mitt right here.

--a Gemini in Scotland

text tags: lateral, spatial, thought, study, proof, assessment, e-mail, multitasking, measurement, loss of brain function, speculation, net efffect, sleep deprivation, left to right, communication, router, information design, channel, biometrics, web surfing, search engine traffic, randomizer, sorter, hand sorted content, hand aggregated content, turing test, sales, factor, feature, product, negative, filter, screen, information overload, attention deficit disorder, binary system, inadequacy, virtuality, scam, the human touch


File under "theories worth investigating"... The idea that we have been so busy building up the Internet with pseudo-edifices in the grand style of Olde Commerce--virtual banks, virtual universities, virtual shopping malls--that we have completely forgotten to ask ourselves whether that musty old economic model is really worth replicating in the Dream Land that is the Internet.
It's time for us to wake up, and quit taking the math test over and over again.

text tags: virtuality, parking lot, shopping center, carbon offset, rat race, green design, telework, information sorting, economy, abundance, labor, perception, commute, robot, distaste


dear "The Internet",

I am very very very very Lazy and Ignorant, as you can see by the address below.
Do you answer questions from ignorant people?

Sincerely, R in (address not shown)

text tags: developing world, literacy, challenge, public service announcement, vehicle, library industry, inroads, interface, kiosk, public housing


reader survey--do you find search engine categories useful?

(sample answers)

--I don't think those categories are that great at all, really. Who came up with those? Can we please nix those, please? I think they don't work for you-know-what.

--Those web directories are just confusing and commercialized. And not democratic at all.

--They are just another doormat that just says GO HOME to 90% of customers. And PREPARE TO BE SCAMMED to the rest.

--Water, water everywhere, and not a drop to drink.

text tags: developing world, literacy, clean water, public service announcement, information as technology, information as artifact, knowledge, model, natural systems, vehicle, library industry, inroads